Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Been Busy Busy Busy

Boy oh boy have the last few days been busy.

Starting off on Saturday, Eva and Mae both had 5 hours at their dance studio for a dance concert rehearsal for all of the students. 

Bright and early on Sunday morning, we were at the Civic Centre for Full Dress Rehearsal for next Saturdays dance concert.  We dropped Oliver off to our good friend Kelli's house to be minded while we were there.  The shift then changed at 9:30 when Kelli so kindly dropped Oliver back at home where his Grandma and Grandad took care of him.  The little gem slept most of the time for them, so that was great.

The rehearsals went great.  No Stress.  No Pain.  Let's hope the actual concert runs just as smoothly on Saturday.
My girls did a fantastic job in helping me while getting them ready and beaut on the stage.  So so adorable, don't you agree???

Beautiful Butterflies

   On Sunday afternoon, we went to Mae's Kindy for a break up BBQ.  I was quite sad, as it was my third year in a row I had gone (introduction before Eva started, break up for Eva / Intro for Mae and then Mae's break up)  I love that Kindy and I don't want to leave it - sniff sniff.  Oliver is on the waiting list for 2016.  Hopefully we'll be back before he's due to start then.

Poor Oliver got his 18 month olf needles.  I can't believe he was 18 months old yesterday.  It feels like I only just had him, yet it feels like he's been around forever.  Poor bugger was asleep when he got jebbed, so he woke with a huge fright, but soon settled.  He has been a bit unsettled of late and throwing tantrums and whingy and being very unlike his normal happy self.  Yesterday, last night and tonight have been challenging.  He's excused for tonight, given his needles, but there's no excuse tomorrow night Buddy.  Be good for Mummy and Daddy.

Looking forward to having Chris join us tomorrow night, until we all head down to Melbourne in the first week of January, when we start our 'new way of living'.

We received our new telephone number for Melbourne today - that's another step that's making this all so real.

Looking forward to a wonderful week ahead, with lots of celebrations, concerts, awards and prep graduations. Will tell you all about those later.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Lovely Queensland Weather

The kids and I went for a lovely walk this evening after dinner.  These hot days have sure been hot, but the evenings are just beautiful.  The breeze is so lovely and great to be out in.

After doing Paper, Scissors, Rock to determine who was going to hold Lucy's lead first, we set out for our walk.  Eva won.

First, I had Oliver in the pram but once we got across the road, I decided that he really should be getting out and enjoying it too.

Gosh he's a character.  He finds a lump of dry leaves and giggles to himself while stopping in them, he potters behind us blabbering stuff to the girls and Lucy and gets cranky is you don't acknowledge him.  He was also picking the tiny little weed flowers from the grass and walking with one in each hand.  After a few metres he realised he'd dropped them and he'd turn around to try and find them and put his two hands up saying 'gone'!

Mae had jumped onto one of those green Energex power box thingos that you see around - well of course Oliver had to do the same thing.  To that one and the next three that he saw.  So cute that he loves to copy his big sisters.  Trouble is, we walk this path often and he's got a good memory.

What wasn't cute was the few tantrums he decided to throw when he wouldn't hold my hand to cross the road.  Therefore I had to pick him up with arms and legs flapping about.  As soon as we'd crossed the road, I put him back down and he's right to go again with his body moving forward and faster than his feet could.

You can be cute buddy, but boy oh boy you can really test my paitience. 

Eva really enjoyed practising her handstands and cartwheels on each nice bit of lawn that she saw.  Of course, Oliver copied as well.  This was also so cute to watch, but not so cute when Eva decided to do it on someones footpath who had recently spread fertisiler over it.  So when it was Olivers turn for his head stand, he had some pretty smelly dirt on his head.  Eewwww.

Mae's favourite part of the walk was holding Lucy's lead.  She loved being the one telling Eva what to do and explaining why the rope was called a 'lead'.  Wow, she knew things that I didn't think she did.  Just too smart.

Whilest walking, I wondered if we'll be doing much of this when living in Melbourne.  I know that the weather can be so different down there, but then again, it can be the same as here and hotter as well.

I have some lovely photos that I took while walking, but as my iTunes STILL does not work on my pc, I am unable to put them up.  Hopefully I will work it out soon.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We're up and running

It was all bittersweet last Monday when Fiona from the real estate came to take photos of our home to list for rent and also hammered in the renting sign at the front of the house.  I shed a little tear over that. 

Within an hour, Chris rang to say that the home we wanted and applied for in Mulgrave had been approved.  Yey!  It was all so real right at that moment - we're moving to Melbourne!

It is all very exciting and scary, all at the same time.  I have countless things to do, like sorting out all the cupboards ready for packing, Christmas shopping, calling utilities to arrange the changeover, Tax (Ewww), finishing up family day care, and so on and so on.  The last thing I should be doing is sitting at the computer.  But since my lovely new design was placed on my Blog today, I just HAD to use it.

I am very much looking forward to sharing all of our families Front Page News with you in The George Gazette.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Well, this is my first blog post on the new and fantastic George Gazette.

My plans are to write reports on how our family are going and what we are up to, now with our new venture to live in Melbourne.  This is a great way to share our lives with our loved ones, even though we're in a another state.

These last two weekends have been hard, with Chris being in Melbourne already.  We've been extremely busy while Chris has been gone.  He's spent his time searching for a home to live in and exploring.  Below is a photo of his venture today.
